Monday, 4 May 2020


Senator Dhullo has been making a slew of damning allegations against governor Kuti and his administration ever since he took office on the August of 2017 often pointing out imagined graft issues about the various projects being undertaken by his administration which have all been debunked to this end and in most of the cases the governor's plan(that she sought to soil) ended up being granted a clean bill of health by the relevant national bodies that the senator had sought after to look into the 'alleged fraud'.

And with disinformation from her bunch of keyboard mercenaries  who are masquerading as 'activists' threatening to derail Isiolo's fight against the pandemic, we shall  attempt to give you a blow by blow account of the senator's allegation made overtime and how they were debunked by factual information.

*Bursary Scam(that never was)*
The senator started her major forays into disinformation quite earlier on. She accused the governor and other relevant authorities of having embezzled the money allocated for bursary meant for the needy and fired up the local radio stations the public events she attended riling about how Kuti is this and that calling him all manner of names in a manner that can be said to be contrary to the ethical standards that a person of her stature is supposed to exercise.

The randy senator was left with egg on her face when the administration launched one of the biggest bursary cheque ever granted locally by any other administration at all levels totalling to Kes 40 Million.

*Verdict*: This is one of the earliest battle that the good senator lost in the public eye but certainly not the last. Spreading unsubstantiated claims about a noble project being undertaken by a particular arm of the government is wrong especially when you are supposed to hold yourself to a certain degree of self-respect because of the position you hold which the senator seemingly threw out the window.

*Living Goods Partnership*
The senator went of the rails soon as governor Kuti started constituting his government earlier on and laid plans to partner with private health practitioners in a move geared to resuscitate the then otherwise defunct health system. This was informed from a budgetary position as the county govt had other development projects to undertake (especially owing to the fact that his predecessor, Doyo had done so little) and the partnership would enable the county to source for funds and technical assistance from investors to supplement the budgetary allocation made by the county to the health sector, a plan which has so far shown great success and is slowly being adapted by various other counties with some governor's including Governors Dr. Mutua of Machakos and Prof. Anyang Nyong'o of Kisumu making a visit to health facilities in Isiolo and impressed so much by it that they both vowed to adopt the model used by Isiolo County's health department due to its sound nature.
The Senator was adamant and severally made claims that the governor was privatising Isiolo County Teaching and Referral Hospital(ICTRH) which had the governor attend a grilling by a senate committee which did not find anything unusual or sinister with the county's plan to involve itself in a public-private partnership(PPP) so long as it was guided by the law as clearly stipulated in the constitution. Having failed to convince her senate colleagues to censure Governor Kuti for the baseless allegations, the senator went further to write a barrage of letters to a number of National government agencies to discontinue the deal between the county government and its private partners but that failed, too with the National Treasury giving the deal a 'clean bill of health' in a letter addressed to both the governor and the senate.
*Verdict:* Had she been successful, the senator would have denied thousands of the local residents a fair chance in accessing quality and affordable healthcare while in their own backyard and conditions of our health facilities would have been nothing to write home about at such a time like this. Our unsolicited counsel to the senator is that she should have her facts right and not to go on a massive fishing expedition just because of the personal vendetta she harbours with the man sitting on the throne.

*LN150 Debacle*
Another opportunity for Senator Dhullo came in the form of the LN150 land adjudication which was erroneously gazetted by the Ministry of Lands classifying the whole county as an adjudication area. The moment of reckoning came when the Senator and her fellow members of the short lived 'pentagon' alliance who included the local legislators including the women rep Mrs. Rehema Jaldesa demanded that the entire gazette notice be scrapped alleging plans by 'highly placed functionaries who were interested in grabbing the Isiolo land from under the feet of the local residents' and that the area governor was 'aiding the efforts of such people'. The five were at the time crisscrossing the county from border to border whipping up people's emotions and making unsavoury remarks about the governor and other leaders associated with him.
However, the governor categorically refused to budge and instead sought the counsel of the local council of elders where a plan that allowed for the amendment of the gazette notice to make only the section of the urban centres adjudicative enabling individuals to acquire title deeds for their property while keeping the grazing rangelands to continue existing as the community land, the latter plan gained favour with the majority of the local residents from far and wide as the most suitable plan.
However, the 'pentagon' team continued pushing the limits by calling for nothing less than 'a total and unconditional revocation of the LN150 notice even to the point of trying to place a court injunction at a Meru court which was later thrown out after they failed to pay the lawyers dues.
Counter allegations would later on occur after an article published in one of the local professional forums indicated that the pentagon team are getting funded by the Deputy President who they allege is interested in acquiring lands in Isiolo and are using the legislators for the same purposes. Further allegations even stated that the legislators may have 'ear marked' the large tracts of land owned by the Kenya Prison services although nothing has been proven yet.

*Verdict:* The LN150 gazette notice was expeditiously amended which has since allowed for local residents to own title deeds the just like their fellow compatriots in other counties. The senator and her cohorts allegations that the governor was intending to grab for himself the local land died a natural death and the legislators are yet to mention what happened to their efforts to 'reclaim the land belonging to Isiolo people'. Clearly, another one of the major false allegations made by the senate goon and her randy cohorts has been debunked for good measure!

*Baraza Park Saga*

Having covered their trails from previous alarmist allegations by the governor and his administration, the senator and local women rep bandied together again in clamouring for the redemption of Isiolo's Baraza Park which the unscrupulous duo of local politicians alleged has been grabbed from the public and which in their characteristic but hollow show of bravado claimed that the county governor had a hand in it.
The duo spent a better part of the material day at the Angaaf Radio Station while making allegations after allegations with the senator even claiming that the governor had a hand in the (non-existing) plot to relieve the ownership of the Baraza park from the public and into the hands of a private investor. The two led a bunch of their local riffraff gang the next day who demolished structures that local markets women had put up to sell their wares in order to feed their families as the county government fast tracked the completion of the Isiolo Modern Market resulting to loses for the already low income earners.

*Verdict* There is nothing to show that Baraza Park has been grabbed or reverted to private investors as alleged by the duo  and it remains the property of the public to date.

Having made the record clear about past 'misinformation expeditions' that the two lady legislators have orchestrated and failed miserably in its execution, the latest allegations being peddled about by their clique of online mercenaries masquerading as rights activists and for cheap change is nothing other than one of their usual innuendos aimed at tarnishing the good standing that the governor has in the eyes of the public.

Just recently, Governor Kuti was recognized on the front page of the Saturday Standard newspaper as 'a Doer' owing to his sagacious management of Covid-19 response efforts at both the local and national levels.

And as if that isn't enough to inspire calm, just yesterday, the Daily Nation newspaper published a research carried out by the Institute of Economic Affairs(I.E.A) Kenya who ranked Isiolo among some of the 'safest counties from the Covid-19 pandemic in Kenya'. This is because governor Kuti's administration invested heavily in the local health systems in addition to being one of the only four counties covered under Universal Health Coverage(UHC).

#KeepItICBN #StayHome

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