Friday, 19 April 2019


        •••Here is why ICBN thinks so•••

After ICBN published a piece in which Isiolo Women rep Rehema Jaldesa was quoted as accusing NRT and by extension Ian Craig for the recurrent bouts of insecurity in the Charri region, legions of Ian Craig supporters (who are believed to be beneficiaries of Craig's extensive network of fraud which has been the real issue that delayed the exit of Craig for as long as it did) came after RDJ guns blazing accusing her of being part and parcel of NRT and argued that as such, her lamentations were nothing more than just a PR stunt that is not genuinely expressed and told her to quit the war on NRT and Ian Craig since the organization supports livelihoods which is a ridiculous excuse for vice that could possibly wipe out the only source of livelihood betrothed to them(pastoralists) by their ancestors!

Accusers of RDJ used a random picture of Ian Craig in a seemingly animated conversation with RDJ about this or that.
Now Rehema is a national figure and her being spotted with another equally influential member of the society should not be a matter to raise eyebrows. Succinctly put, its a proof of nothing.

Let's break it down for you>>>

√ There are assumptions made by some simpletons acting for NRT and Craig that claim since Rehema is a member of the board of NRT, her allegations do not hold water- We think this may not be the actual case:-

1. Dr. Roselyn Akombe spoke out about the malpractices being carried out by the commission she serves i.e IEBC. We believe this maybe RDJ case. If an organization you are serving is doing injustice to your people and you decide to speak out, that makes you a hero, not a villain and that is what her detractors should be told.

2. Raila Odinga succesfully dismantled KANU from inside after spending ages fighting against it in the public. It was after Raila's NDP merged with KANU that Moi let his guard down allowing Raila to influence the inner circle of KANU to defect which brought the Kanu regime down in 2002. RDJ is currently the most resourceful person in the fight against NRT because of all that she knows concerning how the organization operates and its long term plans. Such could make a solid base to ask for the cessation of Craig's destructive activities in the region.
Rehema is more resourceful while fighting from inside the organization since she knows its modus operandi and policies like the back of her hand. This also puts her in a position that can allow her to reach to other resourceful persons within the organization to shape this fight against the mafia in the Wasoland!

√ The photo doing rounds on social media purporting to be the  best proof yet that Rehema is a surrogate of Craig was actually taken months ago at a time when Rehema and a battery of Isiolo county leaders went to Biliqo to attend a meeting where the community aired their views on the activities of the organization.

•Any body language expert will tell you that there was nothing in the expression or gestures of RDJ that shows any friendliness to Ian Craig in the picture.
According to our judgment of their respective body language, Craig appears to be subdued by RDJ judging by the sheepish smile on his face while RDJ maintains a stern gaze that appears to be indicating Rehema admonishing Craig over an issue that seems to be very critical to the subject of whatever they are conversing about. She seems overbearing and her aura says that this was her space and not Craig's. She is definitely the Boss in that small rendezvous which eternally buries the allegations that Rehema could be Craig's puppet!

√ Yesterday, NRT bribed a few hecklers with wrongly captioned placards to register what they said was displeasure with the leaders who called for NRT to vacate the region following wide allegations of insecurity allegedly being fanned by the organization. This only shows how the voices of elected leaders matter when it comes to getting things done.
Just a mere remark by the governor and the women rep makes NRT runs out of its senses sponsoring stupid antics and shenanigans as if that shall save them from the imminent 'CRexit'!

We are of the opinion that even if Rehema had been involved with the organization perhaps due to ignorance about the sinister schemes or wrong advise from lobby groups who act at the beck and call of Criag and has now,perhaps having seen first hand what the community goes through at the hands of the mafia organization and decides to pursue justice for her constituents, that is a very welcome idea to us that needs to be also adopted by other leaders who are yet to commit their support to the community regarding the removal of the organization from the pastoralist land.

That is why ICBN believes more voices from our elected politicians are needed to ensure the effective exit of NRT and its surrogates the soonest that is humanly possible to free the community from this yoke of slavery and humiliation!



Xplico Insurance Company B.D.O(Isiolo&Marsabit) Rashid Gollo in white shirt and jeans in a photo session with the players and Xplico staff

The Isiolo & Marsabit branch of Xplico Insurance company has sponsored a football tournament in Isiolo town which kicked off yesterday and wrapped up on Saturday.
Match Day 1 stats:
●Blue rangers vs Al Nasr (0-3)
●Al Rahma Vs Real Silver (3-4) (penalties)
●Ibnu Vs Quba Fc (3-4)(pen)
●Olympic FC vs Taqwa Fc (Olympic disqualified after it turned out that they fielded a division 1 player (goal keeper) which apparently flouted FIFA rules)
Match Day 2(SEMIs)Today
■Al Nasr Vs Taqwa Fc
■Real Silver vs Quba Fc
◇The Olympics have since been disqualified and Taqwa FC given the rights!
The area member of parliament Hon.Hassan Odha is expected to attend the semi finals which will take place today!
The Xplico Insurance CEO shall also be around for the entire period of the tournament!
The Branch Development Officer(B.D.O ) of Isiolo and Marsabit Mr. Rashid Gollo who is coordinating the event has urged all and sundry to attend the matches in their numbers to support local talents.
ICBN shall be giving you timely updates of the matches for the entire tournament.

★All The Matches Shall Take Place At Isiolo Stadium★


Thursday, 18 April 2019


Isiolo women rep Madam Rehema Jaldesa now wants the Northern Rangeland Trust(N.R.T) an organization that trades in Conservation business and which has a number of projects across Isiolo county to be investigated by the relevant authorities for what she says is fanning interethnic clashes along the Samburu-Isiolo county border specifically among the Borana and Samburu communities.

She says she is at loss as to why the organization is allowed to have trained militias inside a private sanctuary and under the command of a private individual saying this may be the factor that has lead to numerous deaths of her compatriots in the region- Murders which are almost always blamed on rival militias from the samburu side. This is because cattle rustling is as old as time itself in this region.

Rehema was speaking at the scene where a person was brutally murdered while tending to his own livestock.
She was in the company of Governor Kuti and other leaders when she uttered these words.

It must be remembered that Rehema has been accused of working with the organization in the past but her recent remarks now clears the air about where her heart is and it seems it is with the people since NRT issues have become a thorn in the flesh for some local politicians, some with a supposed human rights track record have shied away from speaking out for the people, a quest that seems to have now been taken on by Madam Rehema and Governor Kuti.

This will definitely put Madam Rehema in the good books of Isiolo county residents if she has plans to remain in politics in the coming years!

Until next time...


Wednesday, 17 April 2019


Isiolo County Governor H.E Dr. mohamed Abdi Kuti recently added his voice to the recurrent insecurities being witnessed in Charri ward after suspected Samburu bandits shot and killed an old man who was tending to his livestock at a place called 'Kuro Bisan Owwo', a story which was exclusively covered by ICBN barely minutes after it happened.
 The old man who was felled was later identified as Dayo, a native of Barambate!
This happened barely a fortnight after another attack in the same area in which four people lost their lives which was erroneously covered by Nation journalist one Vivian Chebet where she claimed the deceased were actually bandits and that they were murdered in samburu county which sealed their fate to any dignified sendoff while their families were rendered unable to seek justice from the concerned authorities because of intimidation and misinformation which was designed to assassinate the characters of the deceased. Some thought it was Craig pulling the strings and because of that Jebet, the police and a section of the local leadership were blamed for the mishap which many read foul play at play(pun unintended) in the whole saga!
*Speculations have also been rife for months and years that this was not an ordinary inter-ethnic attack or the occasional cattle rustling antics by the neighbouring samburu community but rather a well orchestrated scheme by the conservancy titan and NRT director Ian Craig to create instability and anarchy in the region between the two pastoral communities specifically the Samburu and Borana so that he can have the space to establish his multi billion tourist resort empire whose preps are at an advanced stage already.*

The local leadership has been mum over the issue which the locals have raised severally with them which prompted a group of politicians from Isiolo led by Senator Dhullo to go on a fact finding mission, *a move which was brought under scrutiny after it emerged that the Cessna plane they used belong to the aggressor Mr. Craig.* Since then, nothing has been forthcoming from the legislators especially with respect to their findings among the people and from the owners of the Bulesa/Biliqo conservancy. It has long been speculated that most were indeed agents of Ian Craig who are hoodwinking the community into remaining obedient while their land was categorically being decimated by a colonial geezer who is still thirsting for control of the native populations decades after his forefathers left  to allow self rule.

However, Governor Kuti's candid calling out of Ian Craig and his destructive organization in the region has widely been welcomed as a new era for the people of Charri in particular and Isiolo county in general.

The fear many locals had was that Ian Craig was too big and hence will scare our leaders into oblivion before they start opening their mouths to speak about his vices on the locals.

Craig has succeeded to some extent on this judging by a section of leaders who have consistently refused to touch on any matter concerning Ian Craig much to the despair of the locals who longed for a voice of reason to put Ian Craig in his rightful place-which they say is 'outside Isiolo county' but got none in return until Kuti's tell all at the site where a herder was shot dead.

√√√Governor Kuti made some incredible revelations about Ian Craig as follows:-
1. That Ian Craig runs a private military force which is under his command. The governor sought to know from the security officials why a private entity would be allowed to keep a whole military force in their backyard for starters!

2. That Ian Craig is the one sponsoring interethnic clashes by arming and funding bandits from the neighbouring county to cause insecurity in Charri so that he can advance his devilish agenda of land grabbing.

3. That NRT, an organization supposedly affiliated with Ian Craig is not to blame for his constituents woes but a private company in the name of Lewa and owned by the aggressor that is causing anarchy in the region while mentioning Ian Craig by name.

4. That for the fifteen years that Ian Craig has been staying in this region he has never trusted his intentions saying that he has used deceptive tactics to encroach on ancestral lands specifically meant for livestock grazing in the name of community conservancies and time has come for him to vacate!
👉🏾 These are by no means trivial allegations coming from a leader of Governor Kuti's stature!

ICBN believes Ian Craig must be a very distraught man right now following this unexpected
outburst from governor Kuti and here are the reasons-:

1. Governor Kuti is the highest authority in Isiolo county, a region in which Ian Craig has established extensive conservancy networks at the expense of the natives' grazing lands which has led to herds perishing due to lack of pasture and water when the Charri rangelands which has since been fenced off pending hotel and resorts development in the area.
Any person faced with such an adversary would have a lot to ponder over since the tables have definitely turned and the future of Ian Craig and his entities in the region is in a serious doubt since the locals now have the support of the main man in town! We think it is right about time Craig and his caravan start packing for all its worth. This is purely a case of *the hunter becoming the hunted* and behold, The end is nigh for Craig and his local surrogates!

2. One of the best kept secrets in Isiolo County is that, *If Kuti says that you should go, then YOU ARE MOST DEFINITELY ON YOUR WAY OUT ALREADY!* Just ask any of his political competitors who at one time or the other convinced themselves that they could go up against him and that is one of the hard facts that Ian Craig and his surrogates must be unequivocally told to deal with! We think there are just about a few options open for Craig to pursue but it shall be of no use since, even without Governor Kuti's exposé, *the locals have already made countless resolutions to have them removed.* As such, Governor Kuti's support is just an added advantage. Because of this, we wish to offer some unsolicited counsel to the agents of Craig that it is all down the drain now and that they should prepare to tough it out without Craig's humongous bonuses but for those in political positions who have been explicitly mentioned to be working with the mafia to sabotage the wishes of the people must be prepared to *'use the cash bonuses from Craig to buy the peoples loyalty in the worst case scenario* as some of their aides have averred on inquiry by ICBN.

3. There are some unconfirmed reports that the county government shall make arrangements to absorb the 30 individuals that Craig has employed as Rangers receiving a monthly stipend of kes 7000, an amount which is by any standards below the National Minimum wage which is definitely unacceptable,outrageous and absolutely reeks of corporate exploitation of the masses!
If the governor makes good his promise to employ the youth who will be rendered jobless by the exit of Craig, that should be the final knell in Craig and NRTs coffin as that is the only thing that seem to endear the mafia with the people since some believe Craig's exit may further drown a number of households in Charri that depend on NRT in untold miseries!
With that loophole sealed, Ian will lose his footing among the people whom he had previously ruled with an iron fist and molested at will and with incredible impunity for that matter.

4. Craig allies or what has come to be (in)famously known as 'Agents of Craig' cannot save him!
>>>ICBN has covered Ian Craig and his local surrogates especially among the elected leadership and elders who according to Governor Kuti's own words were deceptively influenced by Craig into allowing his destructive organization unto the mineral,pasture,salt and water rich Charri rangelands which has a unique salt hot water springs at 'Kuro Bisan Owwo', a place that Craig seeks to fence off from the public because of its immense import to both the livestock and wildlife. By fencing off the only region the pastoralists depend on for pasture for their livestock, he is explicitly telling the people of Charri that 'his wildlife' is far much important 'than their livestock'.

5. Finally, Ian Craig should remember that just about a fortnight ago, Governor Kuti went  bare knuckles with KWS as he directly held them liable them for the kidnapping,torture and possible extra judicial killings of persons they suspect of poaching. He told the nation that six(6) of his constituents are missing and their key suspect was KWS functionaries who are taking the law into their own hands by supposedly kidnapping people they suspect of poaching and murder them without the benefit of a trial. He warned them what they are doing is contrary to the law and if persons are suspected of wrong doing,the prescribed constitutional requirement is that they get arrested and made to face the law and not to exterminate *them emphasizing that the organization is acting as if its the judge,jury and the executioner all rolled into one which should not be like that in a civilized society governed by the rule of law!*
Just a day later, as if by cue, four bodies found 'dumped' at Tsavo National Park whose operation lies under the jurisdiction of KWS were identified to be the missing persons from Isiolo county.
*(Two more are still missing in action and we hope they are safe wherever they are kept at the moment. We pray their families who are living in tortuous moments every second because of their dear ones who were so cruelly and brutally and torn asunder from them get the justice they deserve for their deceased and for the missing to be produced promptly by the perpetrators!)*
As such, Craig should not,by any chance, understate the immense power Governor Kuti wields in the government circles which the former has repeatedly exploited through bribes, intimidation and coercion can come to his rescue esp when he(Craig) is pitted against the statesmanship of Governor Kuti.

As a parting shot, we can only say that *Ian Craig's goose is finally cooked and what a pleasant surprise that is for the ICBN fraternity and the people of Charri who can now finally get a good night's sleep free from the devilish nightmares of Ian Craig and NRT!*

Until next time...


Monday, 15 April 2019


Centre of Power|RDJ flanked by Governor Kuti and Isiolo County Commissioner(Seated to her right)

Isiolo County Women Rep Rehema Jaldesa has this afternoon presided over an event organized by the office of National Government Affirmative Action Fund(NGAAF) at Isiolo stadium. The aim of the event was to distribute a number of items meant to improve the lives and livelihoods of the women in Isiolo north.

A hundred(100) sewing machines, 700 chairs, 7 tents and 1 posho mill were among some of the items distributed to thirty(30) women groups in Isiolo town. The women shall use the paraphernalia to start businesses to support themselves and their families.

Rehema was accompanied by several leaders anf dignitaries among them Governor Mohamed Kuti and MPs Abdi Koropu(South) and Hassan Odha(North).

It has been widely speculated in the recent days that RDJ has evidently neglected the women in Isiolo north something which some local pundits thought to be her rumoured interest in Isiolo south seat when 2022 comes calling. This is after her extensive visits and fundraisers for Madrassas,Mosques and women groups among other causes raised eyebrows because all her focus was seemingly on Isiolo south as was evident from her events which were all held in Isiolo south.

However, she has maintained a cordial relation with Isiolo south legislator despite the speculations and the two have numerously supported each others project in the region which begs the question what their game plan is!



Mzee Diba Halkano Dawa, a resident of Lakole sublocation, a remote village which is about 13KMs to the north of Merti town developed a growth on his right foot which has totally grounded him since and involuntarily retired him from his daily chores and hustle which is nothing to write home about either since the livestock he depended on for his daily income have since perished due to the unforgiving drought that the region is yet to recover from.

His plight was originally shared to social media by a Facebook user identified as Golicha Abdinoor and has since been spread across the social networks.
However, mzee Diba, who the doctors  advised to have the leg amputated is yet to get any substantial assistance to cater for his medical bill and remains grounded at home for now while still hoping for a better day.

Mzee Diba has no known existing family members which makes his case even more genuine.

We appeal to anyone who has anything to spare to kindly remember the old man through his number as indicated on the pic and the Almighty shall bless you!




Hon.Bonaya Boru Bonaya-Politician-Isiolo County

Isiolo County residents living in the Chari and Cherab areas, have in recent past, experienced a sporadic attack from their neighbouring Samburu community. Such conflicts are mainly triggered by cattle rustling and fight over scarce pasture and water points. Fight, kill, steal, get killed. Such is the lifestyle of the pastoral communities.
However, the recent conflict in Isiolo North constituency has a political hand in it. The pastoral communities that previously had insatiable appetite for cattle rustling has now resolved to a new tactic, kill-and-go, which has raised eye brows.
I am not a voter in Isiolo North constituency, but i can tell you for free, all this attacks are a well planned tactics by a certain prominent individual in Isiolo County (whom i chose not to disclose for my own security) to politically kill Hon Hassan Odha, MP Isiolo North.
The Borana community has become a soft target, where they get killed in their own land, almost on daily basis.
Hon Odha has two options; defend his kinsmen's ancestral land the way Samburu leaders do, or just ignore this conflict like any other Isiolo County leaders.
If he defends the Borana, he must be prepared to lose the Samburu votes (Including the Turkanas and Merus). However, when he ignores the Borana plea, he must be ready to be termed a traitor and also lose their votes. This is already evident from yesterday's happening at Kuro Bisan Owwo, where the MP failed to turn up due to unclear circumstances.
Either way, the MP is at a crossroad, and that's exactly what the master planner wants. Support Borana, lose Samburu votes or ignore the killings, lose Borana votes. Period.
As much as we want peace to prevail, lets not look further, our enemy is within. Inciting people against each other for self political gain? Or defaming someone else politically at the expense of innocent lives? Isn't this a conspiracy of evil?
This politicians have no idea that power is as temporary as an erection, it won't last forever. Take a case of Omar Al Bashir.
My name is Bonaya B Bonaya

★Disclaimer:This post originally appeared on Bonaya B Bonaya's Facebook timeline and is not a publication of ICBN.★

*Bonaya is a politician and blogger based in Isiolo county.He vied for the MCA seat in Garbatulla and lost to the incumbent, Abdi Sora Balla.

Sunday, 14 April 2019


Mr. Ismail Boru,who is a nurse by profession was stationed at Sericho Health Centre in Sericho ward,Isiolo county as a medic until he lost his sight due to unknown causes which rendered him incapacitated to discharge his responsibilities as a qualified nurse.

This was revealed by Isiolo County Chief Officer of Health Mr. Ibrahim Alio who took to facebook to sympathise with Mr.Boru's condition which he said was the will of the Almighty and that he(ismail) shall prevail and encouraged him to continue keeping the faith.

Mr. Alio also revealed that Mr Boru had taken up Braille classes at the Kenya School of the Blind which shall eventually allow him to carry on with his career albeit in a different manner.

The chief officer promised to support his tuition at the school of the blind and shall gladly receive him back to continue with his job once he masters the Braille signs.

Ismail had visited the C.O at his office and was accompanied by one of his tutors at the school of the blind.

We pray that the Almighty shall grant our brother the grace to accept his new condition!
ICBN also thanks Mr. Ismail Boru's employers,the county government dept of Health for sympathising with his condition and extending him the necessary assistance needed to get him back in form!

We further wish him success in the studies he is undertaking and hope that his unyielding hope in the face of such impossible odds shall inspire many!


Saturday, 13 April 2019


Samburu bandits have reportedly attacked an unarmed group of herders who were digging a well for their livestock at an area known as Kuro Bisan Owwo killing one instantly while others escaped unhurt.

The deceased,an elderly man, only identified as Dayo and who hails from Barambate town in Isiolo south was unable to get away from the attackers and was failed by the rain of bullets emanating from the blazing muzzles of the sophisticated military style weaponry borne by the samburu bandits . His body has reportedly since been recovered while the local townships of Bulesa and Biliqo are on high alert for any possible attacks since Kuro is not very from the area.

The intentions of the attackers is unknown yet but speculations are rife that it is a long established scheme by the conservancy giants 'designed to cause anarchy in the region till locals vacate the land completely in order for private tourism,which Craig has interests in, thrive in the region.'
Police are yet to comment on the matter as of the time we received the story.

We shall keep you up to date on any further development about this story!


Friday, 12 April 2019


File copy:Rehema Jaldesa taking the oath of office
Isiolo county Women rep Madam Rehema Jaldesa has taken to Facebook to voice her opinion about the abduction of two Cuban Doctors attached to Mandera Referral Hospital as medics following the govt program which had a substantial number of Cuban doctors come to Kenya in a measure directed to improve service delivery and acute staff shortage in public health facilities!

She said that she was greatly saddened by the abduction of Dr. Landy Rodriguez and Dr. Herera Corea alongside the brutal murder of their police escort.

She also sent her condolences to the family and friends of the slain officer.

She further reiterated that such incidences of insecurity have no place in the modern Kenya.

Rehema also added that her thoughts and prayers are with the two doctors and called on all to make efforts to ensure the safe return of the two medics serving the locals health needs.



Governor Dr. Mohamed Abdi Kuti has this afternoon attended a ceremony where about 500 Bodaboda operators from Isiolo have graduated from various driving schools in the County.
The program began late last year in the heat of Matiang'is damning new transport rules which rendered most bodaboda operators in town ineligible to ply their trade which is the only source of livelihood they had mustered leaving many without any income.
This was condemned vehemently by leaders across the nation but the law took its course and they had no option but to comply.
Following numerous appeal to the governor to intervene, the calls were heeded and Isiolo County C.S Dr. Ahmed 'Sambile' Galgalo announced that the county government shall undertake an ambitious initiative meant to cushion the vulnerable bodaboda operators from harassment by law enforcement agencies and also for their own safety and those of the other road users.
The program was to finance the training of the more than 500 Bodaboda operators and equip them with the relevant paraphernalia for the trade which is by all means youth centred. These are among other things;- reflector jackets, helmets,insurance and riding boots!
The first phase of the program which had more than 500 candidates successfully graduated marks a new era for the bodaboda operators and the sector in general since this is the first ever program funded by any county government meant to add value to the bodaboda services in the entire country.
Some of the beneficiaries we spoke to thanked the governor and his administration for giving them a thought and salvaging their trade which they said is the only source of income they had the skills and ability to undertake.
Others have however registered their reservations saying the process wasn't fair since the process of identifying the eligible ones was not carried out independently and that the second phase should be different.
Their particular concern was the fact that the eligibility for the program was left to 'stage chairpersons' which they say may lead to conflicts of interest and favoritism as there are no proper structures to determine the eligible candidates.
They said some who undertook the training have never engaged themselves in the bodaboda business while some of them who have been veteran riders were left in the cold.
Their hope is that the second phase shall seal this loophole and ensure the program is transparent and free from corruption.
# KeepItICBN

Wednesday, 10 April 2019


Isiolo County assembly speaker Hussein Golicha and his arch nemesis Sericho MCA Nura Diba Billa were reportedly engaged in an altercation that led to a physical brawl following a bitter disagreement on an unspecified issue.

The two have been at logger heads since the beginning of the year when rumours spread that the MCA was planning to oust the speaker who hails from his Sericho backyard.

This reportedly angered the speaker who allegedly orchestrated his removal  from his(Nura) coveted position as the chairperson of the House Finance Committee through a vote of no confidence promptly passed by the MCAs allied to the speaker's side.

The two are currently recording statements at the Isiolo DCI office about the chain of events that led the two to resort to physical blows!

We shall keep you up to date on the development of this story!


Thursday, 4 April 2019


Charri MCA Ali Dimma has pointed an accusing finger at his fellow MCAs who he says betrayed him at his hour of need!
This followed after an altercation between the MCA and Chief Officer one Ibrahim Alio who allegedly hit him after the MCA sought to know about the issue of Biliqo dispensary health committee and how far his constituents have adopted to the UHC program to which the C.O who is known to have anger issues slapped him hard on the cheek and even followed with another punch forcing the MCA to lose balance and sprain his ankle!

Mr.Dimma while addressing local journalists said his fellow MCAs deserted him at the hour of need after he asked them to support him in taking punitive measures against Alio to which they all declined and instead told him he(Dima) is the who wronged the C.O!

Mr Dima believes this was as a result meddling by the County govt supremos whom he did not mention by name but are thought to be the governor and speaker.

The MCA who seemed furious also said he recognises no local authority and that his major concern was for his electorates and that they are the only one who he can answer to. He said this probably taking a swipe at the governor and senior county officials for meddling in the case!

We are not aware if Mr Dima has anything planned at the assembly to take punitive actions against Mr.Alio but it seems such a venture would go nowhere since Ibrahim Alio seems to have fully pocketed the rest of the remaining 16 MCAs!
You would say he is only a C.O but the power being wielded by Alio is immense. For starters, he is the only C.O who is entitled to a bodyguard. Those close to him say alio has a 'fear of the locos' due to the ongoing ethnic clashes between his garre ethnic and borans who make up a high percentage of the local population!

We shall be updating you further as this drama continues to unfold!

★highlights on ICBNtv!


Wednesday, 3 April 2019


Isiolo County chief officer of Health is yet again under a negative spotlight after news of him assaulting the Charri MCA Mr.Ali Dima went viral on social sites. This apparently happened yesterday in the presence of a number of alibis on both sides.
This isn't the first time that the controversial Chief officer was involved in a scandal involving disrespect to the members of the general public. Just a few months ago, Alio insulted an activist and former MCA candidate for Garbatulla ward Mr.Bonaya B. Bonaya an issue in which it is said Alio was let off the hook without any warning whatsoever!
Back to the current story, it is said that Ali Dima AKA Ali Brown went to the chief officers office to inquire about the progress of the Biliqo Dispensary Health Committee which needs reconstitution and the progress of the U.H.C program in his ward to which it is said the short tempered Alio jumped on him with slaps and blows which made the MCA to lose balance and fall on the floor of Alio's office spraining an ankle in the process.The MCA also suffered a few bruises and a black eye!
The C.O further told the MCA to go ask ''his governor'' mentioning governor Kuti's name in the process.
It is reported that after the MCA refused to put the matter down, Mr.Alio's bodyguard even threatened him with a gun. While as a mere chief officer he isn't entitled to a bodyguard,Alio apparently has one. Sources close to him says Alio sought one due to what he terms as the ''fear of the locos''.
Sources close the MCA inform us that the matter is already being investigated at the D.C.I and they hope to press charges against the rogue county officer.
Mr.Alio was rejected by the Lamu MCAs after questioning his educational background and professional authenticity to which he was appointed by Governor Kuti to handle the health docket in Isiolo which was promptly approved unanimously by Isiolo County Assembly which includes the victimised MCA.
It is clear as of yet what action(s) the governor shall take against this rogue officer who has gotten off the hook easily in the past despite being a repeat offender but ICBN shall keep a close watch on the devt of this particular story and update you asap!

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photo: Isiolo Governor Dr. Mohamed Abdi Kuti addressing the press about the steps his administration has undertaken to cushion the people...