ICBN has been following the recent developments in conservancy matters in Isiolo county most specifically the Bulesa-Biliqo conservancy which the locals have been rallying against for decades. The conservancies have caused the average pastoralist sleepless nights and hundreds if not billions in losses creating hopelessness and despondency among a population that was otherwise supporting their livelihood with the resources and the natural ecosystem that effortlessly supported their existence. At this point in time, the pastoralist is on the verge of losing the God given resources that they have used communally for ages without any hitch whatsoever!
Pastoralists have been locked out of their pasture-rich Charri rangelands which used to be the safe haven especially during the drought season where pastoralists from far and wide have driven their animals to these rangelands to lick the remedial 'salt' that are believed to be rich in minerals that are very essential for the animals and wildlife alike. This place is found in Charri at a place called 'Kuro Bisan Howo' which loosely translates to 'the spring of hot and salty water' or as others would simply say 'salty hotsprings'. Generations upon generations,Kuro ecosystem in particular has served the pastoralists without any hitch save for the few times when ethnic clashes over the control of the region has turned acerbic mostly between Boranas and samburus who share a common border on the rangeland.
*Enters Ian Craig....*
Since the Conservancy owned and managed by Ian Craig came into being, cattle rustling and insecurity has skyrocketed almost 70%.Coincidence? Most school of thoughts surrounding the conservancy issues don't think so!
They say this is a direct attack by the Craig foundation by funding militias especially from the Samburu side to attack the Boranas who he regards as 'hard-headed' so they have to be made to tow the line.
*The Riddle of 12000 Heads of Livestock Stolen In The Fall of 2017*
Around June 2017, one of the biggest heists of livestock happened on the soil of Isiolo County with more than 12000 heads of cattle and shoats stolen from the Boranas grazing their livestock in Charri rangelands.
As a result hundreds of pastoralists were left with nothing to fend for themselves as most people involved lost their entire herd.
Even famous names like former Cherab MCA lost his entire herd of fattened bulls numbering almost a hundred and could translate to Kes 10M at the current market price.
Others are Hajj Edin of Malka Galla who lost more than six hundred of cattle(his entire herd) and the famous Marsabit County Pastoralist billionaire Tarri Adhi who lost almost a thousand heads of cattle too.
And just like that, the livestock disappeared into the thin air.
A number of lives were also lost in the heist too!
The survivors have said that they have never seen any battle like that in their entire lives where heavy weaponry never seen before was engaged by the attacking enemy which included bazookas and RPGs coupled with a range of modern sophisticated guns forcing the otherwise invincible and battle hardened home guards tasked with protecting the pastoralist livestock by the government to retreat leaving the enemy to plunder what was left behind.
*'Where did the samburu get such sophisticated weaponry?*
This was the question on everyone's mind. The answer would come shortly after it was revealed that Ian Craig has a 'Special Forces Unit' manning the conservancy who are armed to the teeth and given military training that would put the American Navy Seals and the Israelis Mossad to shame because of the sheer intensity of the training that Craig's special forces undergo!
Rumours also suggest that the forces could be receiving training from the British Military which stays in Lewa and has military bases all over Isiolo county. Craig is also distinguished internationally and even received a prestigious award(OBE) from Queen Elizabeth 2 of the United Kingdom! His daughter Jecca Craig who is currently studying PHD at a University in England specializing in 'protection of protected ecosystems using high end technology'. You well know where she will come to apply her specialty once she graduates from Oxford. Jecca was Prince William's girlfriend prior to marrying Duchess Kate Middleton. And just in case you thought the Prince dumped Jecca, you are wrong,he did propose but Jecca turned it down saying she is no made for the royal life but she is not made for the wild. William, who is also the second in line to the throne actually proposed to Kate at her(Jecca's) fathers ranch in Lewa, Isiolo.
Factoring in the above revelation,no one should underestimate the influence of the Craigs!
Enter Isiolo and Marsabit Leaders...
The livestock was stolen amid the heat of the intense 2017 campaigns. The Borana leaders, afraid to lose the paltry Samburu votes within Isiolo and Marsabit came to a collective consensus not to pursue the stolen livestock and that they shall ask the national government to compensate the pastoralists. The naive pastoralists agreed and decided not to pursue the matter having faith in the ability of their leaders to deliver on their promises and that they shall be compensated for good measure in due time! This wasn't to be!
Three years down the line now, none have been compensated and most are unable to settle the children's school fees and are begging for bursaries from the same politicians that tricked them into not going after their only source of livelihood that thy knew.
No leader has ever since spoken about the loss incurred by the pastoralists!
There is a general belief that Ian Craig who is also actively purchasing livestock from pastoralists in order to destock the region may be behind the heist due to the sheer level of resources involved in the attack which many don't believe samburus can pull off naturally.
Oh! We digress!
Back to the 'Axis of Evil' now, ICBN has learnt with shock that there are a number of leaders who have been turned into puppets of Craig and the conservancy by advocating for the existence of the destructive conservancies and Craig's murderous action in the region which has stripped the average pastoralist of their honour and only source of livelihood betrothed to them by their ancestors!
This particular story covers the three senior women in Isiolo's political scene and their role in the continuity of Craig's murderous institution and the bloodbath he has visited on the Waso community!
We believe these women are advocating for Craig in return for Cash tokens, board inclusion,vehicles and jobs to their trusted allies mon other vested interests known only to them and perhaps,Mr. Craig too!
(1). FATUMA DULLO-Senator: Isiolo County
This was the most surprising revelation to us because Senator Dullo has carved out a niche for herself as the 'defender of the defenseless' and the 'voice of the voiceless' for which she even won a national award for her human rights advocacy in an issue involving the KWS.
Dullo's involvement with Craig is through an individual by the name of Ture Boru Maddo who serves as the National Deputy Director of Northern Rangelands Trust(NRT).
Ture is believed to have been the unofficial P.A of Senator Dullo through her entire political career until the recent appointment of one Ali Edin a couple of months ago.
He is the Wheeler Dealer-in-Chief of Senator Dullo!
While many people do not know Maddo, he is a pretty controversial fellow. He was thrown into the limelight during the 2015 scuffle between the then Senator Dullo and Doyo on one side and County assembly and Speaker Mohamed Tubi on the other where former wanted to forcefully have the assembly confirm the appointment of one Ture Boru Maddo against the best performer in the Interviews at the time one Salad Boru Guracha who eventually got the job after the intervention of courts.
It is said that Senator Dullo was hysterical and did all she could within her powers to ensure Maddo goes through to no avail.
Doyo and herself were left with egg on their face at that time!
NRT apparently employed Ture Boru Maddo to earn the trust and support of the fiery senator.
More so, Maddo defends Dullo's stakes in the conservancy as it has been deemed as the new cash cow in the region from tourism and other ventures that Craig wants to bring around at the expense of pastoralist livelihood.
This is simply to say that Senator Dullo is has no issue with Craig fencing off 'Kuro Bisan Howo' and locking pastoralists out of Charri rangelands so long as Ture Maddo remains at his job and the comma's in her bank account continues to increase in number!
This in essence, we think, negates any of her past advocacies on behalf of the people!
Sources close to her have told us that the senator shall do anything under the sun to ensure conservancy and Ian Craig remain in place to help 'exploit the Charri wasteland'!
Other school of thoughts also indicate that Senator Dullo's tirade against Governor Kuti is informed by Craig who has been unable to get an audience with the governor since the former elected.
It has been reported before that Craig has been 'tipping' a section of leaders of Isiolo so that they can avail the governor to him but to no avail as the governor apparently categorically told of the 'Agents of Craig' that the fate of Craig and the conservancies lay with the people of Bulesa ad Biliqo and warned them not to involve him(governor) in their 'clandestine conspiracy against the community). It is claimed that he(Craig) is now using the highly influential senator to intimidate the governor to toe the line about the state of conservancies in Isiolo county.
Well, now you know what all the noise the senator has been making is about!
Sorry its not about you, it is about IAN CRAIG!
REHEMA DIDA-Women Rep:Isiolo County
Rehema's involvement with NRT and Ian Craig is pretty direct because she serves in the NRT board.
It looks like Ian has an eye for outspoken women in leadership which is what Rehema is! A feisty, aggressive,obscenely ambitious and someone who would stop at nothing to get what she wants.
In the past, we have revealed how Rehema has been compromised by the county officials by renting a vehicle from her at an incredibly high rate(totalling 1.5M a month).
Today, we can authoritatively report that her other vehicle Toyota Hillux Double Cabin make which she extensively used in her 2017 campaigns has been leased out to the NRT for a mind boggling rate of 100K-A-Day which translates to Kes 3Million a month! How can anyone expect Rehema to support the pastoralists against her exchequer,one Mr. Craig, which would then mean that the 'income' from NRT and Craig would be neutered for good measure!
It is for the same reason that Rehema has claimed neutrality on matters consevancy! But wait, how can you claim to be impartial when you BELONG to the board of the entity that is impoverishing the pastoralists and denying their children a decent shot at life? We hold that Rehema is not impartial as she claims! She is as guilty as Craig is when it comes to the suffering that the people of Bulesa-Biliqo have had to endure under Craig and his killer institute! Her position on the board means she was,has been and will continue making decisions that are favourable to NRT and Ian Craig on the one hand while on the other would be detrimental to her dear electorates who catapulted her to the enviable position ad the glory she basks in right now!
*'Major Jillo Riddle'*
Major Jillo who is the ex husband of the women rep and whom they share a number of children together is no stranger in Isiolo County being a respected elder and activist. He has also carved out a niche for himself as a human rights defender especially focusing his advocacy on the pastoralists issues.
Major Jillo has been on the forefront in the fight against conservancies encroachment on the pastoralists' ecosystem.
He has suffered for this in form of arrests which were apparently influenced by the conservancy.
The Retired Major has been facing legal issues since then and has been barred from discussing any matters about the conservancy and Ian Craig.
So who arrested Major Jillo? We deduce that Major Jillo was indirectly arrested by Rehema because of her influential position in NRT probably to defend her interests and that of Ian Craig. We will let the public be the judge on this one though!
*'Conservancy Shaping Up In Isiolo South'*
We have also stumbled upon a reliable piece of info that points to the direction of Ian Craig having an eye for Isiolo south in order to expand his sorry brand of conservancies to the region which is a virgin land so far.
Mr. Craig has been heard mentioning the Omara rangelands of Sericho which he says is laden with wildlife that needs to be conserved!
The one who would be championing this venture shall be no other than Rehema.
In case, you aren't aware yet, it is no longer a secret that Rehema has her eyes on the Isiolo South MP seat come 2022 ''so as to be able to control the substantial NGCDF kitty and gain more influence in the political spheres as her current position of Women rep is 'tying her down' and NGAAF kitty is too little for her liking" according to our source who sought anonymity because the issue is still under wrap. Who was talking about 'obscene ambitiousness' earlier? Well,there you have it!
*ABSHIRO HALAKE-Nominated Senator*
Abshiro could be regarded as the surprise politician of 2017 in Isiolo because few knew her before her nomination to senate and most are still unaware of her existence till now since she rarely comes out here in the 'wild'!
However, we categorically inform you to learn to never again underestimate her because she is one lady with a hell of a lot of surprises!
For starters, no one knows how she made it to such a humongous nomination when she was not known outside of her village of Olla Odha in Isiolo county.
Abshiro has worked as a senior officer at the Red Cross prior to her senate nomination which is thought to have come as a result of her friendship with Gideon Moi's wife who decided to surprise her with the position. It is said her friendship with the Mois go deep to the extent that Moi's wife was racking her brains over what to reward her with for years until she settled on the nomination despite Abshiro being the type of people who loathes politics and the drama associated with it. Never mind that she is the 'Drama Queen' in this particular one. However, we are convinced that she must have been grateful for the huge honour and may have just stepped right in to the shoes of her fate.
The next big surprise we are honoured to present to you about the 'lady of surprises' is that she,like her counterpart Rehema,SITS ON THE BOARD OF NRT!
The other big SURPRISE is that she serves as the VICE CHAIRPERSON OF THE NRT BOARD!
Let that sink!
How she arrived here is still a mystery to us!
How she even came to be the second most powerful person (after Ian Craig) in an expansionist institution that has robbed the pastoralist community (which she also belongs to) of their birthright is an enigma we are yet to conclusively solve altogether.
However, we decided to run with the school of thought that says she,just like Maddo, is serving the interest of a higher entity in the person of the Deputy Majority Leader in the Kenyan Senate, one Senator Fatuma Aden Dullo.
This theory also goes further to suggests that since her arch nemesis Governor Kuti is not on the board, it would water her(Dullo) influence down especially among the section of her supporters who believe she is a genuine activist once the shit hits the fan(like it would!).
Abshiro and Maddo are both from the Yalle clan of Senator Dullo which makes the theory reasonably genuine.
This is why we believe Abshiro and Maddo are just innocent pawns being used by the senator to protect her interests in the sinister conservancy scheme.
We shall continue digging up about this particular lady to ascertain her true position in the board and whose vested interests she is protecting!
Having factored in all the parameters involved in this contentious matter, we have arrived at a collective conclusion that the Bulesa-Biliqo community's agitation against the expansionist figure Mr.Ian Craig and his NRT brigade is being sabotaged at the highest level by a section(majority) of highly placed local politicians that we have revealed to you in this edition and the previous one. Lest you forget, these are the leaders who have sworn before God and The Law to protect your(community) interests and observe fidelity to the constitution in which we think they have failed irredeemably!
We have done our civic duty of availing this info to the general public without any vested interests whatsoever.
It is up to the community to decide on whether they shall rely on the leaders involved in pursuing their interests against the expansionist Craig who has seemingly 'pocketed' each and every last one of them.
These and the ones we covered previously were recently 'flown' in to 'hear the cries of the Bulesa-Biliqo community' by one of Craig's many Cessna planes that he apparently uses to 'herd' elephants while one of the aides misled the public by stating that the plane was chartered by the amorphous PPG and DLCI which no mortal knows what it has ever done for humanity on this side of the Sahara!
This also marks the end of this two-part publication!
References shall be availed on demand!
Sources shall not be revealed unless otherwise where the 'source(s)' agrees to reveal themselves!
This edition was a collective effort by a number of individuals who shall remain unsung heroes against a tyrannical colonial figure who is bent on recolonising the Waso people just like his 'good ol' days'.
Adios from 'all of us' at ICBN till
our next edition if the Almighty wills!
This publication is an intellectual property of ICBN™ with all the rights reserved.