A nominated MCA in the Isiolo county assembly has exposed the total ignorance of the MCAs when it comes to their understanding of the Public-Private Partnership that Isiolo County recently approved alongside the private limited company known as the Living Goods LTD after it was unanimously passed by the ICA-however,it seems they dont understand one bit of it.Not even what the initials stand for.
This morning, the woman MCA whom we cannot mention due to her age made to contribute on the topic in a local professional WhatsApp group but ended up making a fool of herself by saying its not PPP but PPC which she says stands for Public Private Corporation to which shocked members turned on her and asked if she was aware of anything about what she personally okayed in the house.
Even after several members turned on her trying to correct her she was adamant saying it is them that need orientation on the subject. However, she went silent after several experts came out to put the record straight on what the terms stand for and told her in no uncertain terms that there was nothing like PPC in the law.
Just recently, Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dhullo pointed out that Isiolo MCAs are illiterate and do not understand anything about what they are being bribed to pass. Today, Senator Dhullo has been vindicated! She was Indeed Right.
The MCA in question is also notorious for Land grabbing in Isiolo County and has been dubbed DP Ruto's version of Isiolo County.
Saturday, 10 November 2018
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Chief Officer of Health,Isiolo County has been called out for lying to the public on the accident response the day before yesterday.
In his media briefing to Angaaf Radio, mr
alio stated that they had sent 5 ambulances and his personal vehicle to the rescue mission and that the casualties were brought two hours after the accident happened.
This didnt go down well with former MCA aspirant Garbatulla ward and blogger Mr.Bonaya Boru Bonaya who had a friend in the illfated vehicle who told him off for lying saying no ambulances were at the scene and only Hon Odha and Koropu sent rescue operations.
He(Bonaya) further told him the casualties arrived five hours after the incident happened.
Mr.Alio later in a whatsapp chatting went on insulting Mr.Bonaya on local whatsapp group and called Bonaya's concern diarhoea(which he mispelled anyway).
Now members of the public are calling for his sacking saying he doesnt understand anything about Isiolo.
It should be remembered that Ibrahim Alio is a bonafide resident and voter in Mandera County and was employed by Governor Kuti under unclear circumstances.
keep It ICBN!!!
In his media briefing to Angaaf Radio, mr
alio stated that they had sent 5 ambulances and his personal vehicle to the rescue mission and that the casualties were brought two hours after the accident happened.
This didnt go down well with former MCA aspirant Garbatulla ward and blogger Mr.Bonaya Boru Bonaya who had a friend in the illfated vehicle who told him off for lying saying no ambulances were at the scene and only Hon Odha and Koropu sent rescue operations.
He(Bonaya) further told him the casualties arrived five hours after the incident happened.
Mr.Alio later in a whatsapp chatting went on insulting Mr.Bonaya on local whatsapp group and called Bonaya's concern diarhoea(which he mispelled anyway).
Now members of the public are calling for his sacking saying he doesnt understand anything about Isiolo.
It should be remembered that Ibrahim Alio is a bonafide resident and voter in Mandera County and was employed by Governor Kuti under unclear circumstances.
keep It ICBN!!!
Saturday, 3 November 2018
Jattani was one of the most prolific leaders of the Borana Oromo.
He was also a general in the Oromia army's struggle for independence.
He is credited with several acts of bravery while in his prime.
Jattani was felled by an assasin's bullet in 1993 but his teachings to the larger Borana has lived on since!
Here are some of his most famous teachings to the larger pastoralist Borana which are still relevant in the mordern times! Take a look below-:
Famous Quotes By Jattani Ali Tandu!!!
(1) Sell your livestock and save your money in the bank.(he predicted the ravages of the climate change which would make it impossible for the borana pastoralist to keep large herds of cattle and shoats because of unsustainability)
(2).If you have the ability, ensure you build a house at an urban centre(this was when most boranas lived in the manyattas)
(3) Educate your children(this was when Boranas were still sceptical of taking their children to school)
Bishara Yussuf(or Binish Bishara as she goes on facebook) is a young lady from Isiolo making waves with her anti-FGM campaign in Isiolo County and beyond.
She has come out bravely to raise awareness on the dangers that FGM exposes our girls to in the name of maintaining a 'culture' of their ancestors.
Another thing that is used to brainwash the girl child she says is the 'talk' that men can only marry 'circumcised' girls. Their grandmothers also 'lied' to them by saying it makes a woman 'clean' and dignified.
She now dedicates her time to ensure no other girlchild from the pastoralist communities the HORROR experience herself and the millions of women have undergone under the knife.
Bishara says FGM has personally caused her urinary problems ever since she underwent the 'cut'
She is a SURVIVOR!
# VivaBinishBishara
You can find her on facebook as Binish Bishara